Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Be The Spark

I both appreciated and was a little let down by this event.
Like many others, I expected this to be a speech from Desmond Tutu with little bits of entertainment thrown in. However, this was an event to celebrate our community, it's people, and our ability to work together. Having reached this realization, I was happy to sit back and watch all of the performances.

I must admit, I was somewhat annoyed. I am fully aware the event was targeted at high school students, but attempting to focus in an area holding 15,000ish people, a lot of which were high school students, is difficult. Instead of paying attention to the acts or presenters on stage, my attention was sidetracked by kids chatting with their friends, wiggling around in their seats, and at times booing people on stage. These are the people the community was trying to reach and it would have been nice if they had been paying attention.

However, I did love listening to Tutu. Like Kate said, I wanted him to be my grandpa. He was funny, inspiring, and interesting all at the same time.

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