Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Project #4

I allowed myself to have absolute fun with this fourth project. Instead of creating posters about preventing violent situations I have almost no first-hand experience with, I decided to go with something that resonated a little closer to home: road rage.

I am a commuter student. Four days a week I drive half an hour out to PLU, and usually longer to get back home (due to traffic). That is an hour+ i spend in my car and on the road, each and every school day.

It took me a while to come up with an image to base my campaign off of. Obviously, I couldn't rely on just the green dot. But I knew that I definitely wanted to keep it incorporated. After clicking through pages of google images, I decided to visualize myself in my car, driving to and fro school.

What do I do when I get mad at other drivers? Well I usually begin by muttering comments aloud, instead of using the car horn like any other normal driver would. And if i'm feeling especially sassy, I give them a thumbs up. I find people are either happy to see this, or they are even more angered by the thumb than they are the finger.

And so my campaign was born.

I found a thumbs up graphic online and used it as inspiration, created my logo in illustrator, and then compiled each graphic onto two promotional posters made in indesign.

Available merchandise (only graphically speaking) includes an antenna ball, a key chain, a window decal, right and left thumb horn stickers, and lastly, a bumper sticker. I tried to keep a relative flow throughout the campaign and I made it a point to not overpower any of the items with too much text or extra decor.

I can fully admit, this has been my favorite project so far. Perhaps it was because I felt like I was the most in control of the media and the direction it went than with any of the previous projects. I would absolutely recommend using this project again. Maybe not just with green dot but any other PLU campus based campaign.

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