Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Project for ARTD287

How sad! Our final post for Design for Social Change.

Working on the last project was sooo much fun... except for the whole finals week pressure of getting everything done. :0
Our team worked really well together. We had a couple of meetings prior to the due date where we shared research we had found, ran poster ideas by each other, and talked about how we would layout the presentation. We followed this up by posting this information on a shared google docs.

We kept in really good contact through our google docs...asking advice from each other and critiquing the posters.

We met at the Digital Media Lab at 11:00 AM on Wednesday. Here Amanda and Kate helped me with photoshop. It was fun... and quite the learning experience. I think we all learned something about how to fill the word CONGO with a picture. Thank you, ladies!!
First we had to find the right picture (the one I had wasn't high enough resolution) and then we had to size it just right for all of the faces to show up and not be cropped oddly. My posters were actually a weird combination of Keynote (power point program on my laptop), InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. After my posters, we did a final critique of the posters.

Then the "Under the Bridge" gang showed up saying we needed a power point presentation... at first Nick (happened to be sitting there) sounded like we didn't, but then he started to vacillate... like he was thinking it over and liked the idea. I didn't think making a Power Point would be that hard. So we went to lunch and did a Power Point and picked our theme songs.

Great posters by all. It was a great class and I really enjoyed working with all of you.
Take care and have a great summer.


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